Sunday, March 8, 2009


"Time is of the essence," my ninth grade pre-algebra teacher would always quote this in class. I never knew what it meant at the TIME. Now, I know what he was talking about. As I've been getting older, TIME has been flying like there's no tomorrow. I can't believe the last time I posted a blog was almost three months ago. I had made a New Year's Resolution to posted something everyday. My excuse is that my "cum puta" was h-ackting up. Things have picked up since last year and especially from two years ago, as matter of fact it has been almost three years ago that my life made a turn towards HELL. Well, since I've been on the "Highway to Hell" things have been Heavenly. I could only HOPE that things get lovelier. I use to think about quitting my job and going on the road. Just get on my HOG and never looking back. Just one thing went wrong, I wrecked it. Good thing though. Now, I'm living in the ghetto and things are grand. How, ironic. I've owned two homes, had two wives and two children that I never get to see or hear from. I thought I had it good. "Living it up on the Eastside" I had a piece of the Pie. Now, I'm on the Westside, where all my people pay their food with food stamps and buy their Air Jordans and the swapmeet, I'm living like a King. I have LOVE, RESPECT AND HONOR.

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