Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bak 2 Skool Special

It's still summer in the mid of August, but many children are returning to school. Why? IDK. Hell! (that's what it feels like here) the kids are always have a half a day here and half a day there. Holiday for this and holiday for that. The kids are always given homework, but yet come home and say they don't have any. The grades speak for themselves.

 I don't ever remember my parents telling me do my homework or ever asked me if I had any. I just did it. Got it out of the way so I can go out and play. It is called integrity. This new generation of kids are so egotistical and materialistic. Oops! I think my generation was that way too. And so was my father's, a rebel with a cause. Ducktails, hot rods and rock n roll. I guess each genenration finds a way to be different from the other. My dad's generation couldn't afford to go to school. Mine, too many options not to go. Then, comes X generation that feels X tra special. They don't need a education. They just need brains and wits to get by in life. Wow! I was born in the wrong era. I could have made a killing with my BRAINS AND WITS.

Anyways, enough about me. Let's talk about you. You, the new and improved generation with diabetes at birth. Teenage pregnacy beginning at the tender age of twelve. Sex before 15? Hmm. . . again born in the wrong era. So what's going on in the brain of yours. Is it correct to say you have a brain? I have never met a generation so messed up! What is beautiful in nature you call it ugly. What is hedious and evil, you call it lovely and cool. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to appease you. But, it has been an impossible task. No matter what angle or direction I take to get your attention, you keep going in the wrong. It's like the light trying to meet the shadow.

All you want is the attention of yourself. You want everyone around you to cater to you. But, guess what? So does all your peers. That leaves you and your peers to tend for themselves.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

13th of the Month

This day is a special day for some, and a very unique day for me. Years ago this day would be an unlucky day, but in my case it would be a very fortunate day. For some unique reason, this day, the 13th day of the month good things would happen to me. Especially, Friday the 13th which falls occassionally in the year. Well, it's been a while since I've taken noticed of it. It was a nice, cool and beautiful day today. It had rained all weekend, but not today, it was clear and sunny. Finished all my Christmas shopping and looking forward to Christmas this year. Something I haven't done in quite some years.

Holy Days

Wow! It's almost March. On the first,it will be my 26th anniversary working for the same company. I never intended to stay on so long. I never imagine myself working like a slave. I always saw myself doing my thing. My own thing. Days have gone by, weeks have gone by, weekends have gone by, months have gone by, years have gone by, but more than anything, holidays have gone by. In the past, they meant something to me. Now, they're just days gone by. New Year's are the most sobering days for me because I refuse to get drunk like the fools I spend them with. Birthdays are a stressful time because it's a reminder of the bullshit I got myself into. Father's Day? Ha! Whata joke! A father of two and a Daddy to none. Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day were holidays I looked forward to because I would get to cook with pleasure. Now, I cook to give pleasure. I drink, to sleep. I smoke, to be stress free. I live moment to moment. I don't make plans, because there's always something to disrupt them. I live moment to moment. Hour to hour. Day to day. Seize the moment. How time flies when you don't pay attention, when you don't look forward to the future. Only worry about the present and what's in your presence. Enjoy what you have in front of you. The beautiful sunrise with birds praising the new day. The stillness of the wind. The caress of the sun. The lick of the rain. The coziness of the cold. The soothness of the night. The reassurance of the moonlight. This is what I look forward to. This is what I enjoy. This is what I live for. The reality of the life. Life in the intangible. Connecting myself to what has existed for milleniums. Days come and go. But time is of the essence.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I haven't been on this blog since April 09. The reason for this deprivation is because I got my laptop stolen from me. They took away right in from of my eyes. As matter of fact, right from the grasp of my hands. I just recently acquired a new one, but I hardly ever use it. (It is because I've been working nights and sleeping days.) Besides, I use my smart phone, ha. Who thought of that one? Smart phone? The phone only lasts but a minute. It eats up battery as much as I eat on Thanksgiving. It has many features that I never get to use. Like serving up food that no one will ever eat. But every Thanksgiving dinner we continue to make it, buy it and place it on the table for everyone to pass it up. How smart is that? Bring back the rotary phone. I enjoyed dialing it. Especially the raspy sound it would make after each dial. And the busy line sound, beep. . . . beep. . . . beep. . . ., it would go on forever. And it was loud enough that your neighbors could hear it and inform you that your rotary is off the hook. Technology. It has made my life more complicated for me. I enjoy the simple life. Baste the turkey with butter, stuff it with stale bread and call it a day. Idaho potatoes mashed and drowned with butter. Pop into the oven some dinner rolls. Oven-roasted pumpkin sprinkled with brown sugar for dessert. Cranberry sauce from a can? Huh? Not in my house. It was the real deal or nothing at all. I miss those days. Caller Id? It didn't exist. You could crank call anyone at anytime. It's no fun anymore. Today, Thanksgiving would be one of those days that we would call and hang up on someone. Now that was smart!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Easter. It was a pretty good today. I spoke to one of my long lost friends from the high school days and I received an e-mail from one of my old neighborhood friends. I also got other e-mails from others through FACEBOOK. I met up with more people today than I ever had. On "" all it is is a meat market. The only reason I even got on it in the first place was because my girl send me an invitation , because one of her friends invited her on it. So I spent about a half day on the internet today and I'm still going strong. This past weekend I began working GRAVEYARD again. But, this time it's for reals. No more day shift. It has been eliminated all together. Everywhere you turn, people are getting layed off or relocated. Well, we never thought it would happen to us at the PO. But, it's happening. I'm glad that I am back to networking. I recall one day telling someone that NETWORKING wasn't my cup of tea. Well, now it's not only my cup, but a MUG OF JAVA. I think networking is going to be a major factor for the future just to make it in LIFE. I first want to thank my daughter for inviting me to her blog. I tried "chat rooms" and all I caught was viruses, I'm glad it was the "cum-puta" and not me. I've heard horror stories about individuals meeting up with others ON-LINE and getting arrested for chatting with under age girls, or worst getting AIDS. So I happy to keep in touch with my daughter through this blog and enjoy the posts by "LETRAS DORADAS" too. But, I think I'm gonna spend a lot of time at FACEBOOK. Doing the network thing. And posting blogs here.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!

Somebody needs to do something about this ancient old jingle. It's time to make a change. Well, it's been a long time since I've sang the song anyways. And it's been a long time since I've told or wish anyone a happy one. As a matter of fact, birthdays come and go, and they're just like any other day. I lost the value of what a birthday has, and the meaning of it. LIFE... it's a beautiful thing. Everyday we take it for granted that we're gonna wake up each morning to face the day. When in fact, you don't know what to expect. I had a very intimate conversation with one of my co-workers regarding her close encounter with DEATH. I never felt or reacted the way I did when she was telling me of her situation. It really hit close to home. My parents are coming of age, but I see them stronger than most. My peers suggest I quick smoking and drinking because its gonna KILL ME. When the TRUTH of the matter is that I hear that the ones dying around me have never dranked or smoked or lived a HARD LIFE. I may be getting OLDER on the OUTSIDE, but I feel younger and much WISER than ever before. So, I suggest to anyone reading this...enjoy's too short to worry about this and that.
And before you die, I also highly recommend that you take a NICE ROAD TRIP ON A HARLEY.

Friday, April 3, 2009


April Fool's day came and left. And I didn't get a chance to FOOL anybody. I was so busy trying to be serious. As a matter of fact, my birthday came and sped by so quickly, I still think I'm one year younger than last year. My daughter wrote in her blog about my coming of age, and she is right. I still feel 31. You would think that at twenty-one, a man would be in his prime, but not so for me. I was still wet around the ears at that age. 31 was the age for me. I felt strong, sexy, handsome, charming and all that what a man desires to be. Unfortunately for me, that is when my world around me was caving in. Even though, I thought that I was doing everything right and trying to do what I thought others would be content with, I wasn't FOOLING anybody. Well, actually I was.... FOOLING everybody. I had them FOOLED that I had it all in the bag. Everything was a-okay. It was just a matter of time when the mask of deception and dishonesty would be destroyed, and reveal the disgrace of my FOOLISHNESS. All I ever wanted to do was to please and keep people happy. I get great joy seeing others smile and laugh on the account of me. I've always been the life of the party. The center of attention, the court jester, the king's FOOL. I enjoyed it! Now, I'm content with having others smile and greet me because I exist. I'm through trying to please. Now, I concentrate on trying to please me. I was, for too long of a time, every body's FOOL.